Throw. Catch. Repeat.
Our Mission
Powering the Ultimate Frisbee
Iodisc welcomes you! We specialize in quality sports equipment for Ultimate Frisbee players.
Since our inception, Iodisc has been on a mission to promote Ultimate Frisbee as a dynamic, inclusive and respectful sport. We believe in its unique values of fair play and collaboration, and we strive to provide players with the best products and impeccable service to elevate their experience on the field.
Since our inception, Iodisc has been on a mission to promote Ultimate Frisbee as a dynamic, inclusive and respectful sport. We believe in its unique values of fair play and collaboration, and we strive to provide players with the best products and impeccable service to elevate their experience on the field.
Our prints are made on the X-Com Ultimate Standard disc, a WFDF certified disc. This approach ensures that the discs not only meet the size and weight requirements, but also have aerodynamic flight characteristics and a comfortable grip for players of all sizes.
Make Every Throw a Moment of Excellence
The Passion of the Flying Disc
At Iodisc, we share your passion for the flying disc. More than just a piece of equipment, our discs embody the precision, stability and fluidity that thrill Ultimate Frisbee enthusiasts and professionals.
WFDF certified, they meet the standards of the most demanding competitions, while offering a unique playing experience for leisure and training. Whether you are on a tournament field or in a park with friends, our discs accompany you in every throw.
With Iodisc, turn every moment of play into a celebration of your love for sport and its team spirit.
IODISC collection
175G Ultimate Disk
Approved and certified for competitions of all calibers.
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